Weight Loss and Exercise - 9 Strategies For a Fit and Healthy You

By Tanya Stroh

Yes, you can achieve your fitness goals. In the beginning, it might not be easy. You might hate it, and you may feel like quitting - but here are some strategies from those that have been successful to help keep you motivated! Remember losing weight and achieving a healthy lifestyle will take time - you did not gain weight overnight and unfortunately, you are not going to lose it overnight!

1. Log what you eat

Studies have shown time & time again that you are much more aware of what you eat, why you are eating and how much you are eating when you are keeping a log. Be sure to be as specific as you can with your food log. Don't have time or hate keeping a log - take a picture of each meal and snack with your cell phone and keep a picture log!

2. Take a before picture

Front and side view if possible. Tuck it away or keep it out for motivation. If you stick to your workout routines you will be amazed at the difference you'll see in no time at all!

3. Do as many base line statistics and measurements as possible

Logging is a great way to see your progression and to chart your success! Think about it as the starting point of data, nothing to be embarrassed about it, it is what it is and it is going to improve! Good things to log include; weight, body fat, BMI, body measurements, how many push ups and crunches you can do in 1 minute, how long it takes to walk/run 1 mile.

4. Incorporate Strength Training and Cardio into your fitness routine

Muscle is important in weight loss - 1 pound of muscle burns approximately 50 additional calories per day.

5. Get on the scale only once per week and pick a pair of jeans or pants that are too small (no more than 1 size too small) as 'goal' jeans.

Your body weight can fluctuate as much as 5 to 8 pounds - that is why weighing in once per week keeps you on track and motivated. It is important to remember that when you begin a strength training program you will be building muscle mass - 1 pound of muscle takes up a lot less room than 1 pound of fat. That is the reason I encourage everyone to pick a pair of jeans that they want to fit into again. Even though your body is getting smaller and the jeans are fitting better - the scale may not be moving as fast as you would like.

6. Schedule your exercise in your day planner

Make it non negotiable just like an important meeting or event!

7. Tell your friends about your fitness goals. Ask for their support - you may be amazed at the help you get! It is also a great idea to have an exercise buddy, just make sure you focus on the exercise part and not just the socialization!

8. Start slow, no pain - no gain is simply not true. The first couple months are the most difficult; studies have shown that if you stick with a new behavior like healthy eating and exercise - it can take 6 month to a year to become a habit!

9. Remember - it's OK to slip up

We all have slip ups - it is what you do afterwards that is important! If you didn't exercise for while or ate an entire box of chips or cookies or carton of ice cream - FORGET about it, move on and get back on track!

Remember YOU can do it! Let me know which strategy worked the best for you!

For more information and guidance about health and fitness issues, visit http://www.tanyastroh.com Tanya specializes in helping people achieve optimal health with a highly individualized approach to fitness exercise.

Tanya Stroh is a nationally certified personal trainer and founder and creator of Tanya Stroh Training solutions, your online Personal Trainer. With over 500 unique exercises, and counting, our proprietary software, TS Trax, creates a fitness exercise plan specifically for your goals, your level of fitness, at home or at the gym with the equipment you have and like to use. With Tanya Stroh training Solutions you can stop guessing about how to achieve your fitness goals and enjoy faster results with no plateau. Be fit, be healthy, and be happy!

Follow me on twitter! http://twitter.com/tanya_stroh

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanya_Stroh
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