Exercises and Workouts - The Best Time Of Day To Workout

Wondering when the best time of day is to do your workout session? While some of you may not have the option of choosing your workout time as you only have one slot during your day to possibly get it done, for those with more flexible schedules, you may be wondering when you will see peak results.

Is it better to wake up first thing in the morning and workout? Or perhaps a late night workout is the better bet?

Let's look at the benefits and drawbacks of each main time period during the day so you can plan your sessions properly...

1. Morning Workouts. While it may be hard at first to crawl out of bed and into the gym, the great thing about morning workouts is they will energize you for the rest of the day.

Second, they also can boost your metabolic rate, helping give you an edge on fat burning.

The drawback however, is you likely won't feel quite as strong first thing in the morning and be it your body is still stiff from sleeping all night, you may be at a higher risk of muscle strain.

This is why first up, cardio is ideal. If it's a cardio workout you have planned, getting into during the morning, it's one of the most ideal routes to go. You'll get the blood flowing quickly, reducing the injury risk and won't have to worry about maximum strength output.

2. Afternoon Workouts. Next up you have afternoon workouts. These tend to be great for either cardio or strength training. By this point, your strength levels should be up so you should be feeling ready to tackle any strength training workout that comes your way.

Likewise, you'll still be energized and feeling ready for a cardio session as well. For many people, afternoon workouts are ideal because it helps get them a second wind going into the later half of their day.

Plus, any pre-workout supplements containing caffeine you might use during this time shouldn't interfere with your sleep.

3. Evening Workouts. Finally, the last time period is the evening workout. These are also great for strength training as your strength will be at an all-time high and your cortisol levels will also be lower, meaning you may not see as much catabolism (muscle breakdown) during the workout session.

For those worried about muscle mass loss, this time is quite ideal for strength training.

The drawback however is if you do use caffeine based pre-workout supplements - and even if you don't - you might find exercise this late interferes with your ability to fall asleep.

You'll need to be your own judge here on whether or not this happens to be an issue.

So there you have a few key tips to remember regarding the time of day and your workouts. In all reality, the absolute best time to workout is the time you will stay most consistent, so focus on that first and foremost.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverleigh_H_Piepers
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