Type 2 Diabetes - Motivation Is the Key to Managing Your Blood Sugar and Weight Loss Goals

Having Type 2 diabetes means dealing with a range of complications, visits to different medical specialists, learning how to choose and eat healthy foods, exercising regularly, testing blood sugar levels, taking medications and a lot more. The right motivation will help you achieve your goals.

To become motivated, you need three different elements...

1. The first one is a goal and it must be specific. If you say you'll try to lose a few pounds, that's too vague and you'll never do it. Goal-setting needs to be very specific. For example, you may say: "I'm going to lose ten pounds by July 30th." That's a precise goal. Another one is... you're going to fit into a particular dress or tuxedo on the 10th November when you attend your sister's wedding.

Specific goals are crucial to your success because they crystallize an exact achievement. So that's the very first thing you need before you do anything else. Plan out how you'll lose weight. Maybe its regular exercise. Perhaps it's changing or increasing your current exercise plan. Maybe it's by going on the diet your dietitian recommended. The more specific the goal is, the easier it will seem to accomplish.

2. The second element is emotion or how you feel about your goal(s). Just planning to wear particular clothing isn't a strong enough motivation. You need to work out how you'll FEEL when you go to the wedding in the chosen outfit and mix with your family and friends. Pride is certainly one strong emotion to come forward.

Everyone has some degree of vanity. You want to look good and feel great in front of people you know, especially at a formal occasion such as a wedding. Use those feelings to motivate yourself to maintain the actions you need to take to lose your desired amount of weight.

3. The third, and final, step in this process is to eliminate obstacles that may stand in the way of you achieving your goal. For example, you might usually buy lunch from a particular shop. Instead, make your own lunch and control what you put into your body and watch your blood sugar fall.

People may make fun of you because you walk or exercise. Ignore them because what they think of you is not your concern. Just focus on achieving your exercise targets and slowly watch the unwanted weight disappear into oblivion, never to return.

You need to make it fun to exercise so you'll stay motivated. This will help control your Type 2 diabetes because your blood sugar levels should stabilize. Exercise with a friend if you can... then you can motivate each other and compare your success as you go.

Goals + motivating factors + removing obstacles = success. Yes, this may seem like an oversimplification of the process but it doesn't need to be complicated. The easier it is to remember and carry out, the easier it will be to achieve your personal goals and become a healthier version of yourself.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142 

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