Four Ways to Cut Belly Fat

In order to lose belly fat, you need to be willing to put in some work. There is no way to cut belly fat without making a big effort. I know that TV is full of ads which promise to get you flat abs with hardly any effort, but this is a pipe dream. It will simply not happen and you will just be wasting your money with no results.

I want to share with you 4 ways in which you can really cut your belly fat and start to flatten your stomach. These may work quickly and they may take some time. However, they are effective. That I guarantee.

Cut Down Your Carbs - This may seem like a general rule, but I will get to specifics in a moment. By carbs I mean the ones found in pasta, bread, and other grain products. You can eat fruit and vegetables. I know a lot of guys who are into bodybuilding and fitness and they all cut their carb intake to a minimum before a big contest. It helps them to tone down quickly and it should work in a similar way for you.

Activity must be daily - To get fast results you need to increase your activity level. You have to be ready to dedicate a portion of each day to some sort of exercise. It can be walking, cycling, doing a short morning workout, etc. This activity doesn't replace the regular workouts that you need to do. It is extra activity to get really fast results.

Lift big weights - To make the most of your workouts, they must include some heavy weight lifting. This kind of exercises can help you to build more big muscles and to boost your metabolism. Muscle tissue is like a fat burning machine. Muscles require a lot of calories just to sustain themselves, so you will find that lifting weights doesn't burn calories just during the workout, but also afterward.

Do intense cardio - One of the best ways to lose body and belly fat is to do lots of intense cardio workouts. These are the workouts that are hardest to do and so they will burn the most calories. You can do running, kickboxing, swimming, or any other workout that really challenges you. The main thing is for these workouts to be hard.

If you take these tips and start acting on them, you will cut a lot of belly fat very quickly.

For more fat loss tips visit Full Throttle Fat Loss []. For an intense workout clip visit Full Throttle Fat Loss Video [].

James Saltwood is a fitness writer.
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