Losing Weight by Walking - 3 Tips on How to Maximize Weight Loss by Walking

Losing weight by walking is a great way to lose pounds and inches! Not a lot of people really realize this. Most people think that you need to go to a gym to workout properly. They think they need a trainer of somebody telling them what to do. Actually, with this type of exercise, you don't need expensive equipment or any trainers. This exercise keeps you in shape and helps you maintain it.

Losing weight by walking tips:
1) Take brisk walks. The intensity will allow you to burn more calories as well. At first start off slow, but try to increase your intensity and speed. A great tool you could use is a pedometer. It basically tells you how many steps you take. You should be trying to take at least 10,000 steps each day. Try to go out for one hour and one mile a day if you can. If you can, don't drive your car, especially if you are going a short distance. Try getting into this habit of not driving everywhere you go! Also, make sure you swing your arms. This will help in working out your upper body. In the process you will burn more calories.

2) Get support from a buddy system or your family. Taking walks with a friend or family member will keep both of you motivated to continue your exercise routine, without giving up. This is the support both of you need! The more people you have exercising with you the better. Get out and get some fresh air and enjoy the scenery and surroundings you have in and around your neighborhood.

3) Change your route. A good idea is too change your route often. This will ensure you don't get bored and it will keep you motivated to continue. Don't make your exercise feel like a chore.

In this article, I shared with you three tips about how to maximize losing weight by walking. These are some good tips to really help you benefit from this great from of exercise!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Burt_Amadio/142517
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