Plyometric Exercises: The Lazy Man's Way to Do Athletic Training

When using plyometrics for sports, the athlete must learn to apply optimal strength in a short of time. This point is important to remember for an athlete in training as athletic activities typically involve faster movements and higher levels of strength than are required in exercises that use maximal muscle building techniques. An athlete may be exceptionally strong. However, that fact alone will not help him if he cannot apply muscle power rapidly.

Measuring Force

Therefore, the goal of plyometrics is to convert optimal muscle power into a sport-specific activity. As a result, it is essential to note the relationship between the velocity of movement and the force of motion.

Power, is associated with both time and force and therefore can be expressed in a basic formula - namely force x distance divided by time. Usually, traditional body building activities change the first part of the equation - enhancing the ability to apply optimal force. However, for maximum power, the time component must be reduced when force is applied.

The production of optimum force happens when the speed of motion is low or zero, such as in an isometric exercise. This kind of association, between velocity and force, can explain why athletes are strong but cannot apply that strength when it must be rendered quickly. As a result, plyometrics are recommended when the rate of the force manufactured must be increased.

Adapting To The Workout

For athletes who practice plyometrics then, it is important that they have developed some type of anatomical adaption to jumping in order to avoid injury. Plyometrics require quick, powerful movements that use a counter-movement, which throws a stretch-shortening cycle into the mix.

Typical Plyo Exercises

Classic plyo exercises typically include jump training in the form of box jumps, squat jumps, power skipping, and tuck jumps (where the knees are pulled to the chest during the jump).

Upper body moves feature the use of a medicine ball to accommodate the need to build strength using an eccentric or downward force.

Adapt The Training To Your Specific Sport

Plyometric drills and exercises are a recommended type of power training for individual and team sports. However, it is also important to remember that when you use this form of power training, it should also be specific to the sport in which it is being used.

Therefore, plyometric exercises that are recommended for the martial arts are not applicable to athletes who are involved in soccer or volleyball.

If you want to make the most of any athletic performance then, you need to follow the diet and plyometric exercises that are relevant to you. Those explosive jumps can indeed be practiced so you can become an all-around superior athlete in your chosen spot.

A coach or a fitness trainer is your best source of an individualized workout that will yield the most optimal results for your specific needs.

The Three Major Types of Power Training

The three major types of power training that are recommended for athletes include plyometrics, directed specifically for an athlete's sport, weight training, and ballistic training.

You might say that each of these biomechanical workouts is today's study in the science of sweat. Scientists are constantly working towards determining which of the aforementioned activities are the best workouts to apply when building on a sports-associated fitness routine.

Interchange Low Intensity And High Intensity Exercises

Because plyometrics does not emphasize upper body exercises as much as it does lower body movement, it is best to incorporate upper body routines from another power training specialty, such as weight training, to ensure improvement overall.

Coordinate your moves so you can combine low and high intensity workouts for the upper and lower body and make sure you rest at least 48 hours between plyometiric workouts.

Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, a website devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. The site encompasses a wide variety of health and fitness activities including general health matters, pilates, yoga, CrossFit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, baseball, camping, hunting, HIIT, triathlons, extreme sports, equestrian and more. Should this subject matter be of interest you can visit the HF & S Club home site where you'll find over 1,300 quality posts with new posts being published daily. To quickly access those that are of interest you can select any of 20 Categories broken down by over 260 Sub-Categories for easy access.

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