5 Exercises For Reducing Belly Fat That Need No Equipment

Belly fat is not something you want to keep around if you can possibly help it. Thankfully, there are many exercises for reducing belly fat that will help you get that trim, toned stomach... and you DO NOT need a gym membership to do them! Here are some beginner exercises for reducing stomach fat and strengthen your core.

Lie on your stomach in a "Superman" pose (stretch out as long as you can make yourself) with your arms and legs lifted slightly off the ground. Flutter your legs and arms for sets of 10 seconds, holding your stomach muscles firm.

Do this sitting or standing, where-ever you'd like: First, exhale as much as you can. Second, suck in your gut and hold the contraction for 10-20 seconds. Third, repeat.
Lie on your back on the ground. Slowly curl your knees towards your stomach, and then uncurl to a stretched position. Slowly repeat in sets of 10.

Lie on your side so the length of your body is in line with the floor. Keeping your outer leg straight, raise and lower it while keeping your core muscles firm. This is a great exercise for reducing belly fat that many people call "love handles".

Lie on your back with knees bent and off the ground. Keeping your legs locked together and your lower back flat on the ground, twist and lower your bent legs towards the ground alternatively on each side of your body. When your legs are just several inches from the ground, stop, hold the pose, and then slowly work your way towards the other side.

These five exercises for reducing stomach fat can be done on your bedroom floor or on a yoga mat in the backyard. The focus for all of them is to concentrate on holding the core muscles in your stomach firm for repeated sets.

Exercising alone won't get you the result you need, even if it is a fantastic tip. Focus on eating the right foods and doing the right exercising and you will cure belly fat [http://www.curebellyfatnow.com/how-to-best-cure-belly-fat] so fast you'll be showing off your flat stomach in no time!

Learn exactly what to do to drop the belly bulge FAST with the information found in the incredible 100% FREE 25pg report available at http://www.curebellyfatnow.com [http://www.curebellyfatnow.com/how-to-lose-fat-fast] and never waste your time being concerned about your unattractive mid-section again!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mel_Drestin
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