Top Cardio Exercises

When most people think of doing cardiovascular exercise they usually first picture jogging on the treadmill or gliding on the elliptical but I'm going to show you some of my top cardio exercises that you can do that are totally outside the box. Just because we've been imprinted into believing that cardio exercise should be done on either an elliptical, treadmill or stationary bike it doesn't mean that it's the most efficient way especially when it comes to losing weight. Studies have found other cardio exercise methods to be more effective at weight loss than the traditional practices of steady state cardiovascular exercise.

The first thing we're going to have to get out of the way is to start focusing on doing more high intensity interval training instead of the old school steady state cardio. Studies have found over and over again that intense interval training is vastly superior to jogging type training when it comes to fat loss. They actually found that those who did 45 minutes of steady state cardio exercise for up to five times per week experienced practically zero fat loss. But the group that did high intensity interval training actually lost a significant amount of weight in comparison.

Even though intense interval exercise can be done through sprinting there are also other exercises that can do the same thing but also strengthen your muscles at the same time. One of my top cardio exercises would have to be the burpee because it will not only drastically increase your heart rate but it'll also help build some lean muscle on your body as well. To perform the burpee start in the standing position and then squat all the way down to the floor and put your hands on the ground. Then shoot your feet back until you're in the pushup position and perform a pushup. Next shoot your feet back up to the starting position and jump as high as you can in the air.

Some more of my favorite cardio exercises would be jump squats, pushups, mountain climbers, pullups and squat thrusts. I usually combine these various cardio exercises with sprinting for optimal results. An example of this would be to sprint for sixty seconds and then drop down and do thirty seconds of burpees before going back to the sprints. This is a great example of a high intensity interval training workout that will be far more effective at burning fat than jogging on the treadmill.

The author on this article on the top cardio exercises for fat loss also runs a local Napa boot camp as well. If you're looking for more awesome top cardio exercises be sure to visit his blog on how to lose belly fat.

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