The US government from time to time issues guidelines on how much of exercise is optimum for a person to be healthy. The 30 minute a day suggestion works well for those who are healthy. However, for those who need to reduce fat to get back their healthy self, exercising 30 minutes a day may not be enough. In other words, it actually depends on where you belong. Here, it must not be forgotten that those who are underweight and need to gain some weight or add some muscles to their lean bodies need to work harder too. As has always been said, workouts alone can never help a person to be healthy.
It does not matter whether your are overweight or under the normal BMI level, unless you combine a regular workout habit together with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle you can't get a healthy self. Eating too much may not be useful for adding some extra pounds to your lean physique. Similarly, starving in the name of a diet may not necessarily help you to shed those extra pounds. In fact, both may land you in trouble. While overeating can have its serious repercussions, starving too may cause you severe energy related problems.
However, both Us Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services recommend thirty minutes physical activity daily for keeping the risk of chronic adulthood diseases at bay. This guideline is to be implemented all seven days a week nonstop. This guideline also states that those who are gaining weight or not getting their normal BMI back with the 30 minutes activity daily need to increase it to an hour a day. It also says that some individuals need to workout at least 90 minutes a day!
Check These: ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) in 2007 recommended that in order to remain healthy we must either do 30 minutes of moderate cardio workouts for 5 days of the week or intense cardio workouts for 20 minutes a day thrice a week together with weight lifting exercises for 10 minutes twice a week.
The One Hour Advocates: then there are experts who say if you indulge in 60 minutes of vigorous exercises daily you can easily avoid the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and hypertension but such a rigorous routine is only for those who can afford that much of time and do the workouts without getting hurt.
What should you do? If you are a healthy person, you can do 30 minutes of physical activity daily to maintain it. That is enough for you if you can do that daily. For others, 45 minutes of moderate exercises and cardio workouts seems ideal. Check your BMI and ask your personal trainer to help you in choosing the right mix.
Do not forget to eat healthy and lead a healthy life style. After gaining desired results, be a role model for others to follow.
Dan Clay is a Sydney personal trainer. If you would like to sign up for a Boot Camp Sydney go to personal trainer in Sydney.
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