It Doesn't Have To Be Hell: 5 Tips On Exercise For Beginners

Exercise for beginners doesn't have to be hell. In fact, even if you have been exercising for some time, you should be enjoying your workouts, not dreading them. If you don't like your exercise routine, it's going to be very challenging to stay motivated and keep it up for the long-term.
If you're new to exercising you may be tempted to go all out right from the beginning. But, you might do yourself more harm than good. Here are 5 tips to help you get the most of your exercise routine so that you can get the results you want, without it feeling like hell.

1. Plan Out Your Schedule

Make a plan so that you know when you're going to be exercising and when you can look forward to some downtime. Keep in mind that an exercise program will need to incorporate rest days. Exercise for beginners needs to be practical. How much time you can you really devote to your fitness routine? Create a schedule and stick to it as far as possible so that you don't slip into the habit of skipping exercise.

2. Make A 100% Commitment

You need to remember that to get the best results from your exercise routine you need complete dedication. You can't miss a couple of days here and there, because you feel you are entitled to it. Plan when your rest day will be and stick to that. When you're on vacation you can still go for a walk or a swim.
3. Make Your Exercise Routine Worth It
Remember that approximately 80% of the results that you get from your exercise routine essentially come from just 20% of your workout. In other words, in one hour of exercise session, only 12 minutes of the workout will contribute to the majority of your results. You need to make those minutes really count. Do activities that work more than one muscle group at the same time to really make the most of your time.

4. Keep It Simple

One of the most important things about exercise for beginners is that you familiarize yourself with the basics first to prevent injury. To avoid putting yourself off, start off with some shorter sessions and then expand your exercise routine as you become more confident and as your fitness, levels start to rise.

5. Prepare For Your New Routine

Have a rough plan of how you would like your exercise routine to go. You need to come up with some realistic goals too and don't expect to lose weight or tone up overnight. For example you could set a target to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Just make sure that the timeframe that you set yourself is possible.

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