Exercises and Workouts - 4 Tips For New Mom's Looking To Get Back Into Fitness

You've just given birth to your new baby and couldn't be happier. You immediately love this new addition to your family and despite the late night's and early mornings, know it's all worth it. You might be feeling somewhat antsy to get back on the fitness bandwagon, though. You are aware your body has gone through some changes from before your pregnancy and now you want to put your best foot forward to bring back your former look. How can you get started?

Let's look at a few smart tips and tricks to help you ease back into fitness...
1. Start Slow. First, remember to start slow. You aren't going to hop back into the workout routine you were doing before your pregnancy and expect it all to flow well. You will have lost some level of fitness during the pregnancy and need to build back up to where you were.

Focus on shorter, lower intensity sessions first, gradually adding over time. Be patient with your body and go in with realistic expectations. If you set your expectations too high, you will only be in for frustration down the road.

2. Avoid Crunh-Based Activities. Next, consider avoiding crunch-based activities until you get the go-ahead from your doctor. For many women, doing crunches right after giving birth can put them at a higher risk for abdominal separation, so you will want to steer clear of those.

Work your core strength by doing exercises like planks as well as single leg exercises such as single leg split squats and deadlifts. Both of these exercises will adequately challenge your core muscles, allowing you to see strength gains while shaping your midsection.

3. Fuel Up Beforehand. Next, don't forget to fuel up before your gym sessions! It's easy to let the fact you have pounds to lose make you think you should be dieting and exercising intensely. Don't attempt this. You need the fuel to keep up with your baby's needs and your workouts. Eat well before your training session so you have the energy to do the workout.

4. Do Short Intervals. Finally, make use of the short intervals of time you have available to you. Remember you may not get a full hour to do your workouts each day as you'll be busy caring for your baby. Instead, focus on getting in a workout whenever you can. Try catching 15 minutes while your baby naps and another ten while your significant other is holding him or her.

Make use of whatever time you have and it will add up in the end.

Keep these tips in mind. If you're a new mom, know you can regain your former shape and feel confident with your body.

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The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142
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