Running for Fitness - How Many Calories Do You Burn When You Run?

But eating habits are also a part of the job. If you are overweight, it might be wise to consult a doctor before devoting yourself to a random program. The right way of eating foods will also speed up the fat burn process around the belly, so Eat Smart and Wise!

Jogging with the right technique and form are essential. So go buy yourself some good pair of kicks so you don't find yourself getting injured. Also start setting a weight loss goal and hold on to it.

Notice that your calves will get more toned after the weeks pass by. You'll become faster and much more comfortable with running those miles.

Just keep at it! 80% of all the runners stop after 4 weeks intensive training and dedication!

Also ,Be sure to change your running regime every 2 weeks. Just going out and start running for 2 miles a day might be good in the beginning, however as you go on in your journey as a runner you will need to switch up your workouts.

Therefore start mixing up sprint and distance runs throughout the week-this will make your runs more interesting and active, but it also triggers both fast and slow twitch muscle fibers in the body, and this causes more muscle growth while the fatness is getting fired up.

Don't feel sorry for your sore muscles yet. The sorer your muscles get, the stronger they'll become. It is important to take little breaks between the jogs when you run really fast, and your leg muscles get exhausted. This soreness is actually caused by your muscled expanding process. So when the muscles recover, you'll get stronger little by little

Running Builds Muscle, which will help you run longer the next time and that will help you burn more belly fat and build muscle!

Exercise is great, and I will always encourage it. However, just like I said earlier in this article. It is also important to look at your eating habits for faster results. I will provide you some numbers: 1kg (2.2lbs) of fat contains roughly 9000kcal. Running at a moderate to high intensity for 30 minutes requires an energy cost of 300 to 400 kcal. In training it means that if you jog 30 minutes a day, it would take close to 22 days to get rid of 2.2lbs of fat.

That is theory but in real life you would end up getting rid of the 2.2lbs in much quicker time, because doing your daily exercise will increase your metabolic rate which is the amount of calories you'll burn just doing your normal stuff like standing, sitting - basically just existing. So once your run is over and you got your miles done, your body will still continue to burn calories during the rest of the day. That is also the big advantage you got on non-runners.

And of course being alert with you food. The quantity and quality (i.e. nutrition) of calories in your food will accelerate the fat burning process. Last but not least, it should not be forgotten that there are a lot more benefits of cardiovascular endurance training such as decreased incidence of coronary heart disease, etc. To start and to maintain is not an easy task commitment but it's for sure the key for losing weight and burning fat!

P. Babakhanian

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