Try This If You Are Tired Of The Same Old Sayings About Diabetes.

By Annette Sharp

Type 2 diabetes: non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, is a disease that occurs when the body has no problem in insulin production, there is no shortage of insulin in this disease.A healthy individual produces approximately 31 units of insulin each day, a person with Type 2 diabetes may secrete as much as 114 units.

What a difference! So, why is this? There is some kind of block in the cells' ability to utilize the insulin that is produced. The insulin should be carried into the cells, but something is blocking its entry. This form of diabetes stems from an underlying condition known as insulin resistance.

Fact #1: Diabetes has no treatment.

Diet and Exercise.

Fact #2: Type 2 Diabetes is not fully understood.

Dessert-lovers may find that adopting new eating habits is particularly challenging. It means giving up popular foods like cakes, pastries and chocolate. There are now many foods available on the market that are low in sugar that taste almost as good as the real thing.

These can be eaten in moderation. Newcomers to healthy eating may find it easier to keep a food journal and write down every morsel they consume. Regular blood sugar readings and when the patient is not feeling well should also be included in the journal.

Exercising regularly will also help to improve health. Adopting a daily walking or exercise regimen will help reduce weight, which has a positive effect on diabetics. Exercise and activity will also lower blood sugar levels.

An inappropriate diet is a major contributor to insulin resistance and weight gain and therefore is a significant cause of diabetes.

After consulting a physician, a diabetic patient should follow recommendations for use of insulin and monitoring their blood sugar. A protective insulin case, medication reservoirs and glucose monitoring systems are all available from online companies that provide home medical products.

Not only having them, but using them regularly as directed will help to minimize health problems. Checking blood sugar regularly is one of the key components to living a comfortable and relatively healthy lifestyle despite being diabetic.

People have the misconception that going on a healthy food diet of vegetables and fruits is all that is we need to address your diabetes condition. What any reliable and accurate information on type 2 diabetes should inform you, however, is that it is not about eating as much fruits and vegetables as you can to replace carbohydrates intake.

Whole wheat, oats, barley, red rice, brown rice, millet and wheat berries are better substitutes to white pasta and white bread. They contain fibers that flush out harmful toxins in the body while giving energy to the body.

The risk of developing Type 2 diabetes is higher if it runs in the family. It is a genetic disease, which means you have the wiring installed for this disease from birth. It is important to educate yourself on diabetes and family genetics to avoid being an heir of this inheritance.

At family gatherings or holiday meals, the chef should be told beforehand that the person has diabetes. Most people hosting a meal in their home will adjust the menu or make special arrangements for dietary restrictions to accommodate their guests if they are given a little advanced notice.

Although there are some ethnicities that are more prone to developing Type 2 diabetes, it does not have to be a foregone conclusion just because you are African-American, Native American or Latino.

Fact #6: Complications from diabetes can kill.

Obesity, excess calories, lack of exercise, and aging can all lead to insulin resistance. Remove the environmental risks and you can probably modify the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

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