Building Defined Abs For The First Time Takes Attention To Detail

By Russ Howe

While most men are happy to stick to the proven basics in the gym, such as bench press and deadlift, something goes wrong with their abdominal routine. Instead of following the facts, they try to find shortcuts, such as learning how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or how to get ripped overnight...

When you are attempting to develop lean and strong abdominal muscles, you must focus on the five basic rules of success which have stood the test of time in gyms around the globe.

They are:

1. The recovery time of abs is quicker than other muscles.

Just live calves, you can hit these small muscles more than other areas because they have this fast recovery phase.

2. Don't overtrain your abs.

For some strange reason, many people believe that their abs require over a thousand reps per workout to get any results. This is simply not true at all.

If you were using a weight for bench press which allowed you to reach a thousands repetitions, you would certainly just end the set and increase the resistance. Training your abdominals is like training any other muscle group.

3. Use different techniques.

The human body will adapt to any form of training, so if you are doing endless crunches and sit-ups, you can expect to reach a plateau very fast. Use the latest pieces of equipment to throw some variety into the mix from time to time.

4. Hit every muscle if you want to get a lean, toned look.

In order to develop abs which run all the way down the midsection to the waistline, you will definitely need to incorporate a variety of exercises to avoid doing too much upper abs work and too little anywhere else. Many, many people fall in to this trap without realizing it.

Develop your weaker areas first. For most men this is the lower abs. Leg raises will do this. You can then use broomstick twists to hit your oblique muscles, too.

The problem with crunches is that they heavily target the upper two abs muscles. Doing endless crunches means you will have a very unbalanced midsection.

5. Keep it short.

If you want to turn up the fat burning effects of any workout you simply need to increase the intensity level. This means reducing rest periods and using techniques such as circuit training. This works very well with abs routines. Most men find their abs training boring, so this keeps things interesting for them.

One day, science boffins may indeed discover something which can teach you how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or how to build muscle with a special little pill. Until then, though, these five proven facts will help you to build that physique.

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