How To Get The Lean Midsection Of Sylvester Stallone

By Russ Howe

The Sylvester Stallone abs workout represents a real back-to-basics attack on the midsection. Today you'll learn how to perform this entire routine in your local gym or even at home. However, going back to basics doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a walk in the park.

Despite much hype and speculation about which exercises Sly used to develop his abdominal area, the fact is things were actually kept very basic and straightforward in the gym. Below is a guide to each of the exercises in his core routine.

Exercise 1: Floor Crunches.

Three sets of 15 reps. This is a classic exercise for the upper abs, allowing you to zone in on the area in question by eliminating the involvement of all muscles in the surrounding area. Be sure to perform this move slowly and controlled, don't make the common error of blasting through crunches really quickly.

Part 2: Oblique Crunches.

Two sets of 30 reps on each side. Straight after the regular crunches end, transition into this variation which focuses almost entirely on the obliques and helps to develop a stronger, more muscular core in minimal time.

Exercise 3: Hanging Knee Raises.

Perform two sets of ten reps here. Be sure to avoid the common mistake of ending the move before it becomes full effective. Many people stop when they reach a ninety degree angle, which basically turns this into an exercise for the hip flexors instead of the lower stomach.

Part 4: Torso Twists.

3 sets of 10 reps on each side. Stallone credits his 'Rambo abs' to this one particular move. Again switching the focus from the center of the stomach to the obliques which run down the side, the broomstick twist its literally as straightforward as it sounds. To increase the difficulty, try doing this move on a decline bench.

Move 5: Roll-Outs.

1 set of 30 reps. A timeless classic, this piece of equipment was a mainstay of old school bodybuilding gyms during the 70's, 80's and early 1990's. It has made a pleasing reappearance in many public gyms over the last few years. It's a highly effective move which focuses on complete core development so be sure to take your time with this one in order to feel the maximum contraction on each repetition you perform.

Needless to say, you'll need to watch your eating habits if you truly wish to get the most from this tough workout. The Sylvester Stallone abs workout is not for the fainthearted, it demands a lot of dedication. If you want to get the most from what it has to offer you'n need to remember the golden rule of weight training... A six pack is built in the kitchen.

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